
Best Places in Europe to Visit during a Motorhome Trip

Planning on going on a motorhome trip across Europe? This is one of the best journeys you can take with your family as you can say good-bye to all those long lines for public transport and small hotels. You’ll be on the road in your own vehicle which also serves as a comfortable place to rest your head at night. All you need now is to plan where to go, so here are some of the best European places to visit with your camper.

Marseille, France

France and Spain are often the starting points for many motorhome enthusiasts and among the two, France the more common choice. Marseille, in particular, has recently been entitled as the European Capital of Culture (since 2013). You’ll find the Vieux Port, a bustling sea dock that has been in use for over two thousand years, and the art-filled streets of Le Panier. Don’t worry about your motorhome either because the city outskirts have plenty of options for you. It may have been known for its high crime rate before but in a matter of just one decade it has made a comeback as one of the most astounding places to visit.

Budapest, Hungary

Where France is often the starting point, Budapest, Hungary is often the final destination for road-travelling tourists. Budapest is home to many exotic bars and cafes such as the garden bars and romkocsma (rain pubs). It is also home to numerous 16th-18th century bath houses and grand Turkish hotels. And for those looking for a little glamour in their motorhome trip, Budapest has recently seen popularity with Hollywood films so many of the tourist hotspots will be recognizable to movie aficionados.

Papigo, Greece

If Hungary is too far of a drive then you can also make your last stop at Papigo, a small settlement atop the Vikos National Park mountains in Greece. You’ll find a plethora of brick structures such as small arched bridges and cafes. Of course you’ll also find yourself standing face to face with the beautiful Vikos Gorge which is great for those looking for a hiking opportunity.

St. Petersburg, Russia

You won’t be able to just drive through St. Petersburg but you can take a ferry directly from Helsinki. If you push through, however, you’ll be treating yourself to one of the most culturally diverse cities in Europe. It even houses the world’s largest museum, the Hermitage Museum of Art and Culture. You’ll find cake shops and cafes that are open 24 hours a day, and a plethora of social activities to delve into.

Staying Safe

Europe gives people the freedom to park their motorhome anywhere so long as you’re not on the main road. That’s what makes motorhome travelling so great. However, you should still consider getting motorhome insurance. This will ensure the safety of everyone along for the ride. Good motorhome insurance will also cover costs for any damages and repairs to your vehicle so this is essential since a long trip on the road is can be hard work on your motorhome. It’d be a smart move to have an insurance company take care of those repair costs instead of shouldering it all on your own.