
Top Safety Tips for Travelling with a Child

Are you excited for your first out-of-town trip with your child? Be prepared, as travelling with a kid is a lot different than being on the road with your partner or friend. Children are notorious for having a short attention span, so you can’t really expect a child to stay put while on a long-haul trip or while on-board a cruise ship.

The boundless energy of children can put them in danger of getting lost or sustaining injuries from running around. Because you want to enjoy your trip and keep your child safe the entire time, keep in mind these tips:

1. Put together a first-aid kit that includes plasters, anti-diarrhoea pills, and medicine for coughs and colds. You may also put in other essentials like nappies and sunscreen.

2. Prepare them for the climate by dressing them comfortably and adequately. If you are headed to a cold climate destination, don’t forget the scarves and coats, and take their hats and sandals to the beach.

3. It’s easy for children to get lost in a crowded place. You might want to invest in a child locator that should help you keep tabs on your little one at crowded places like train stations, airports and tourist attractions. Always have a back-up plan in case you get separated from your child. Designate a spot to meet up while in a large space like a park or shopping centre.

4. Ensure that your children use seat belts while on a car. Never stack items at the back of the car as these could fly forward and hurt the children if you need to stop suddenly.

5. Bring small things like books and toys that children will enjoy while on the plane. Or you can ask the flight attendant for playing cards and colouring books as these are often supplied for free by airline companies.

6. Children should be supervised by adults all the time, especially when they are in public places like restrooms, airports, swimming pools, and hotel lobbies.

7. Teach your child how to search for people who can be of help should they get lost. You can teach the child how to find and approach a uniformed police officer, for example.

8. Wash their hands as often as you can. If there’s no water or soap nearby, a portable sanitising gel should keep bacteria away and prevent your child from picking up germs.

Make sure you follow these tips when you’re away to keep your family safe. Additionally, getting family travel insurance before you leave home will put your mind at rest so you can enjoy every minute of your holiday with your little angels.